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Ancillary Services

We stick to the axiom that “you can’t be everything to everybody.”  At First Insights, we try to stay focused on offering a specific group of qualitative and usability-related research engagements.  Of course, we don’t want to turn away opportunities and that’s why we’ve partnered with other specialty firms who offer expertise in their niche.

We also believe that a mix of research methodologies – qualitative & quantitative – leads to better decision-making.

Projects that we can oversee and/or work with an experienced partner include the following:

Quantitative Research – As part of an overall research strategy, we’ve led projects that included online surveys, segmentation studies, conjoint analysis, and efforts where a statistically valid sample size was needed.

Online Diary Studies – Enabling research participants to self-report behaviors, attitudes, product design, and interface usability is an excellent way of learning about specific home or work environments.  The video respondents can capture adds lots of depth to their daily reporting over a few days or weeks. Conducting online diary studies has also enabled our team to bolster data gathered from ethnographic and UX research engagements.

Quality Assurance Testing – Need to get a handle on the stability and coding of your website or mobile app? We can manage automated software testing on multiple devices, individual user QA analysis from our team, and crowdsourced-based QA testing which can be done in several languages. This mix of QA methodologies helps ensure a successful interface launch.

UX Design & Visual Design – Based on the size and scope of your project, we can suggest a variety of award-winning partner firms that focus on development of visual design ideas, UX design, or branding concepts.

Participant Recruiting Services – Although we manage participant selection for our projects, we don’t maintain our in-house database of participants for recruitment.  However, we can point you to great recruiters for specific geographic locations or topics.

UX Research Training – If you are looking to train an in-house team, we can help. Our founder has presented at SXSW, Quirk’s, UXPA, UX Synergies, Global Executive Events, and taught a UX research boot camp for General Assembly.

I believe in innovation and that the way you get innovation is you fund research and you learn the basic facts.

Source – Bill Gates


Tell us about your project - we're happy to answer any questions.


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